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Dental implant specialists in Torrevieja

We have more than 30 years of experience in dental implants in Torrevieja, being leaders in quality, professionalism and using the best materials and manufacturers on the market.

implantologia primary


- Permanent and long-lasting.
- Painless treatment.
- Adjacent teeth not affected.
- They do not cause discomfort.
- Natural appearance.

implantologia primary

Fixed teeth in 24 hours

Complete rehabilitations on implants in which it is possible to place a temporary fixed prosthesis on implants on the same day of the surgical intervention.

Cutting-edge technology

- CBCT: device with which we explore radiographically and provides 3D images of the patient's mouth. (CBCT image)

- Intraoral scanner: allows us to transfer all the data from the patient's mouth to a software where we will plan the surgery (intraoral scanner image)

- Software: program where we plan all our surgeries in advance (implant surgery planning image)

- Surgical Guide: with the help of a 3D printer we make a surgical guide that allows us to place the implants exactly in the place where we had planned.

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Dental implants are artificial titanium roots (microscrews) that we place inside the maxillary bone, to later fix new permanent teeth on them with which to recover, in addition to the functionality and comfort for chewing, self-confidence.

Dental implants are the ideal option since they have many advantages.
- The first and most important thing is that they are fixed prostheses, so the patient should not remove them from the mouth for cleaning.
- Likewise, the firmness of the prostheses allows you to chew all types of food, thus enjoying the food much more.
- Finally, patients with fixed prostheses on implants no longer have the insecurity that the prosthesis will “escape when speaking”.
Furthermore, today we have one more advantage, and that is that dental implants for everyone are a reality. Gone are the times when the lack of bone was a problem, and implants can now be placed in practically any patient or any situation.

The pain of a dental implant is directly related to the length of the wound and the time elapsed during the intervention. The 3D dental scanner is an essential diagnostic test that allows you to have a more exact idea of ��the bone anatomy where the implant will be placed, so surgical wounds can be minimal and the intervention faster. All of this favors a more tolerable and comfortable postoperative period.
On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that dental implants can be of different sizes and their choice depends on the space that patients have for their placement and the amount of remaining jaw bone. For this, there are different techniques in dental implantology in which we are specialists.

Dental clinic in Torrevieja

Dental implants without complications

The placement of fixed teeth, 1-2 hours after the placement of dental implants, is possible in cases where the bone anatomy is favorable (bone width of 7 mm and bone height of 8 mm) as well as in cases where the maxillary bone is practically absent. Today this technique is reliable and minimally invasive, recommended for patients who want fixed teeth in 1-2 hours.

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