Dental aesthetics
Dental crowns
Dental crowns can be a definitive solution for problems with fractured teeth, destroyed by cavities, with old or discolored restorations, or in case you need a dental cover that changes the appearance of one or more teeth.
These dental crowns are made entirely of different ceramic materials, and do not contain metal, as they were made in the past.
Metal crowns are no longer an alternative in our clinic.
Aesthetic veneers
Aesthetic restorations are minimally invasive solutions in which, after removing damaged dental tissue, the tooth is restored with so-called “aesthetic” components, since we have the most advanced materials and techniques to perform tooth-colored restorations.
Aesthetic restorations
Aesthetic restorations are minimally invasive solutions in which, after removing damaged dental tissue, the tooth is restored with so-called “aesthetic” components, since we have the most advanced materials and techniques to perform tooth-colored restorations.
The appearance of your smile can also be affected by aesthetic defects present in your gums. Healthy gums have a pink tone and help to harmonize the aesthetics of your teeth by adjusting to their shape and volume.
However, if your gums are swollen and red, or their shape appears recessed or enlarged, this can also have an impact on your appearance, such as asymmetries and shadows around the teeth that detract from the harmony of your smile.
Small bumps or fractures in the teeth are imperfections that cause minimal to moderate damage, but they must be resolved, otherwise the problem can worsen. In fact, if the tooth is not repaired at the correct time, it can cause the extraction or loss of the tooth, which would require another solution, such as a dental implant.
For these cases, Clínica Pronova has a tooth reconstruction treatment. In a single session, the tooth structure lost due to cavities or fracture is replaced using composite (a sophisticated microresin). This composite reconstruction is sufficiently resistant to chewing and can be performed in multiple shades, allowing you to find a suitable look for each smile.
Thanks to dental reconstruction, and a correct cleaning and eating habit, the patient will be able to keep their teeth reconstructed, with a natural appearance.
To whiten teeth, specific products are used that
produce a chemical reaction on the surface of the tooth, eliminating the
superficial stains and making the tooth appear whiter.
These reactions occur using hydrogen peroxide gels.
or carbamide peroxide, which are activated on contact with the tooth. Can
enhance its effect with ultraviolet light lamps to achieve a
faster and more powerful action.
Sometimes people look for domestic alternatives such as kits.
teeth whitening, which are sold in pharmacies, but it is very
It is important to know that teeth whitening products are very
aggressive, and misuse of them can damage the enamel or generate
sensitivity in teeth. Additionally, whitening products
Over-the-counter sales do not show the effectiveness of the products we use in our
clinic approved by the Ministry of Health and the FDA.
Leading dental aesthetics in Torrevieja
Our smile says a lot about us. The appearance of a natural smile conveys confidence, self-esteem, health care, and is associated with greater social activity. But dark, stained, fractured, gapped, or other imperfections teeth can affect the impression we make on others, just as it can affect our self-esteem.